Our Ethos
In the dynamically evolving world, SECURITY has been a constant basic human need since ages. The challenges to be safe and secure are ever increasing with immense growth in human capital and stiff competition for survival in industrial/ commercial race. The sociological and economical changes in society has further added new dimensions of threats. Hence, in addition to endeavors by Government authorities to ensure law and order, the ultimate responsibility of safeguarding self-interest by own measures is indisputable. The organizations/ individuals need to have PHYSICAL SECURITY measures such as personal protection/ guarding at door step, which is time tested and proven first and most reliable layer of protection. A guarded institution with robust access control and secured perimeter ensures that every human/ material entry is verified, inspected and recorded. The presence of a strong professional physical security provides the DETERRENCE to keep the criminal mind at bay. At ALERT SECURITY FORCE, we act as force multiplier by taking cognizance of our client’s aspirations for safe environment for business growth and harnessing full potential of their organization.

Operational Setup
Surprise Check and Mass Raid ASF Ensures regular Surprise Checks by Operation Team and a Mass Raid Each Month By Senior Members Of Management During Night which Keeps Guarding Personnel Alert, Attentive And Disciplined
Patrolling ASF Ensures Mobile Patrolling Equipped With Wireless Communication throughout 365 Days On Round The Clock Basis In And Around Client’s Premises
Mobility ASF operates with Armada of vehicles which enables team to provide swift and continuous support to clients on site
Our Presence
- Alibag
- Bhiwandi
- Mumbai
- Nagpur
- Uran
* Establishing footprints in Gujarat, Orissa and NCR by End 2024-25

Maharashtra Private Security Guards Act
“ASF” has been granted exception by Government of Maharashtra under Section 23 of Maharashtra Private Security Guards (Regulation of Employment and Welfare) Act 1981 for MAHARASHTRA

Registration & Licenses Details
1 – Shops & Establishment Registration bearing No. 2210300316146978.
2 – PSARA License No. 228/2014
3 – ISO Certificate :- 9001:2015
4 – PAN No. ABCFA1124G
5 – GST No. 27ABCFA1124G1Z1
6 – Provident Fund Registration No . THVSH1050078
7 – ESIC Registration No . 34000301740001018
8 – Professions Tax Registration No . 27025292742P
9 – Maharashtra Labour Welfare Fund No . THA61818
10 – W.C. Policy Registration No. OG-24-3809-2802-00000009
11 – M.S.M.E. Registration No. UDYAM-MH-27-0043744
Our Certifications & License


ISO Certified

Shop & Establishment


Labour Welfare


Professional Tax